Museum der Wahnsinnigen Schönheit

"The dismembered Horus"

Paul Goesch

born in 1885 in Schwerin

murdered by doctors
in Hartheim 1940

Occupation: Painter,
master builder for the state

as with the following works, clearly this one denounces the lie of the "atavistic depth" interpretation, instead it describes the true prophecy of a situation in which the artist found himself before being murdered and probably cut to pieces!

More works by Paul Goesch

"Looting murderers' schedule calendar - executioner's calendar"


Josef Heinrich Grebing

born in 1879 in Magdeburg

Murdered by doctors in Heidelberg - Wiesloch 1940

The works of art by Mr. Grebing were stolen by the Heidelberg Psychiatry Department, who then murdered him. To display his works in his murderers' lecture room adds to the crime and the murderers' impunity.

More works by Josef H. Grebing

untitled, 1901


Franz Karl Bühler

born 1864 in Offenburg

Murdered by doctors in Grafeneck 1940

Occupation: artistic blacksmith

1886-87 School of Arts, Munich

from 1887 in the family artgallery

1893 awarded a prize in Chicago for his art

1893-96 Teacher at the vocational school in Strasbourg

Institutionalized in Schaffhausen, Illenau, Emmendingen,

More works by Franz Bühler


Art pathologized by the
Heidelberger University Psychiatry

Up to the last exhibition catalog the Heidelberg University Psychiatry Department, which it holds illegitimate possession of the art, documents the aim of their efforts: the pathologizing of art.

This becomes fully apparent in the way in which they apply a psychiatric diagnosis to the art of their victims.The name of the painter, a woman, is unknown. Nevertheless the catalog describes the unknown artist with the label: Diagnosis: paranoia!

The person and her name have dissapeared but the painting is identified with "paranoia"!This makes clear that up to this very day and despite all affirmations by the present holders of the collection (the Heidelberg University) to the contrary, they implicitly cling to the ideology of "degenerated art" ("entarteter Kunst").


more works of art
by persons whose identity is unknown, who are nevertheless given the following diagnosis in the catalog:

"degenerative feeble-mindedness" "paranoia" "schizophrenia"

